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“Best Family-Friendly Management Certified Organization” for Second Consecutive Time

  • Name운영관리자
  • Date2023.12.20 00:00
  • Hit165

Saemangeum Development Corporation Selected as “Best Family-Friendly Management Certified Organization” for Second Consecutive Time

- Pioneering a Culture That Promotes Work-Family Life Balance Through the Implementation of Various Work Systems -

□ Saemangeum Development Corporation (hereinafter “the Corporation”) has been selected as a Best Family Friendly Management Certified Organization for the second consecutive time. The Corporation continues to be acknowledged both internally and externally for its exemplary family-friendly management practices, having secured the certification again in 2023 following its initial certification in 2020. This year, it has achieved certifications in three areas: Ffamily-friendly management, human rights management, and fair recruitment.

○ Beginning with a paperwork assessment in July, this year’s Best Family-Friendly Management Certification underwent on-site inspections and other evaluations spanning five months. This outcome of this certification has extended the authority of the Best Family-Friendly Management Certified Organization until November 30, 2025.

○ During this assessment, the Corporation received high scores in categories like executive management attention and determination, support for childbearing and childcare, and effective use of flexible work policies.

※What is the Best Family-Friendly Management Certification? It is a system administered by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family to assess and certify companies and public entities for their exemplary implementation of family-friendly policies.

□ Lee Jeonghyeon, acting CEO, said, “We are committed to actively supporting our employees in making the most of family-friendly policies. Our goal is to improve the work environment continuously, allowing employees to focus on their tasks during work hours and spend ample time with their families after work.”